sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2006


These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:

Failed; 5.4.0 (other or undefined network or routing status)

La verdad que no entiendo el mensaje. Anoche me la pasé (hasta las 05:00)buscando todos los correos de los blog que se publican en Castellón.
Unos mensajes se enviaron a un destinatario único, y otras concatené varias direcciones de correo.
Lo triste fue ver la perdida de tiempo en averiguar las direcciones, solo les valió unos segundos para recibir todos esos mensajes que arriba les he puesto, eliminando el o los destinatarios a los que enviaba texto y PPS.

Alguno de ustedes, sabría decirme que significa eso de ¿¿ Failed; 5.4.0??

Ahora mismo comprobaré, si mi correo electrónico esta correctamente en mi blog.

Un saludo

La Mirada D MartínSierra
Actualización: El correo está correctamente en el perfil del Blog.

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